Research Article

Survey on Knowledge, Attitudes, and Training Needs of Italian Residents on Genetic Tests for Hereditary Breast and Colorectal Cancer

Table 3

Sociodemographic and professional characteristics associated with knowledge on genetic testing for breast cancer (BRCA1/BRCA2 mutations) and colorectal cancer (APC mutations).

Breast cancerColorectal cancer
OR95% CIOR adj*95% CIOR95% CIOR adj 95% CI

Personal or family history of breast or colon cancer
Professional area~
Clinical activity
Exposure to cancer genetic testing during graduate training
Postgraduate training courses in epidemiology and EBM
 Yes0.900.50–1.610.88 048–1.601.851.01–3.451.951.03–3.69
Patient request of cancer genetic tests in the previous yeari
Hours per week dedicated to continuing medical education
Promotional material about breast or colon cancer received in the previous year

OR: odds ratio; CI: confidence interval; EBM: evidence based medicine.
*OR adjusted by professional area, exposure to cancer genetic testing during graduate training.
OR adjusted by gender, postgraduate training courses about epidemiology and EBM.
~List of specializations according to each area is available in Supplementary file S1.
iIncluded physicians with clinical activity.