Clinical Study

The Effects of High-Intensity versus Low-Intensity Resistance Training on Leg Extensor Power and Recovery of Knee Function after ACL-Reconstruction

Table 2

Baseline characteristics of the participants 1-2 weeks before ACL-reconstruction.

VariableHRT-groupLRT-group value

Number ( )2426
Age (year) 0.976
Sex: M/F ( )15/916/100.994
Body weight (kg) 0.754
Graft: BPTB/STG13/1114/120.982
Months from injury to surgery 0.043
Meniscus tear ( )11130.877
 Repair with arrows 56
 Resection, current/previous67
Cartilage damage ( )7100.448
Leg extensor muscle power
 Ratio ACL/healthy limb % 0.814
Knee joint laxity
 Diff. ACL and healthy limb (mm) 0.184
One-legged single hop
 Ratio ACL/healthy limb % 0.077
One-legged triple hop
 Ratio ACL/healthy limb % 0.367
Tegner activity scale (0–10)3 (2–5) 2 (2–4) 0.292
Lysholm score (0–100)70 (52–83) 66 (56–81) 0.771
KOOS (0–100)
 Pain85 (67–94) 79 (67–90) 0.514
 Symptoms89 (70–96) 80 (62–90) 0.131
 ADL93 (75–97)89 (79–97)0.936
 Sport70 (49–76)60 (40–81) 0.499
 QOL44 (38–56)44 (36–50)0.467

Data are reported as mean ± SE except self-reported surveys, which are presented as median (interquartile range).
HRT: high-intensity resistance training; LRT: low-intensity resistance training; BPTB: bone-patellar tendon-bone graft; STG: four-legged semitendinosus-gracilis graft; KOOS: knee injury and osteoarthritis outcome score with subscales (0: extreme symptoms, 100: no symptoms): pain, other symptoms, ADL: function in daily living, sport/rec: function in sport and recreation, and QOL: knee-related quality of life.