Research Article

Innovative Analyses Support a Role for DNA Damage and an Aberrant Cell Cycle in Myelodysplastic Syndrome Pathogenesis

Figure 3

Comparative γH2A.X findings in representative control versus MDS marrow. Multiparametric flow cytometry analysis of γH2A.X density and DRAQ V in G-M and erythroid progenitors in control (top) and MDS (bottom) marrows. Major subsets of cells were identified as described in Figure 1 for control (top left) and MDS (bottom left). G-M progenitor cells from control (top middle) and MDS (bottom middle) and erythroid progenitor cells from control (top right) and MDS (bottom right) were analyzed for DNA and γH2AX. The horizontal bars were used to determine levels of γH2AX density in MDS above the control marrow in both G-M and erythroid progenitors.