Research Article

Molecular Epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 within Accra Metropolis Postlockdown

Table 3

Distribution of SAR-CoV-2 variants according to disease severity.

Cycling thresholdSARS-CoV-2 variants (n (%, CI95))

Ct < 25
High viral load
25 (48.1, 46.2–50.0)a10 (55.6, 52.2–59.1)b11 (100.0, 94.2–106.1)a,b
25 < Ct < 30
Moderate viral load
9 (17.3, 16.2–18.5)4 (22.2, 20.1–24.5)0 (0.0)
30 < Ct < 40
Low viral load
18 (34.6, 33.0–36.3)c4 (22.2, 20.1–24.5)0 (0.0)c
Total52 (100.0)18 (100.0)11 (100.00)

Row values with the same superscript are significant at .