Research Article

Unique Theory of Mind Differentiation in Children with Autism and Asperger Syndrome

Table 4

Regressions of composite ToM scores on language and IQ.

VariableChange in B (SE)β

Social ToM on language and IQ
Step 1
 Languagea.385***.010 (.002).574***.385
Step 2
 IQb.053*.013 (.005).234*.437
Intrapersonal ToM on language and IQ
Step 1
 Languagea.327***.008 (.001).502***.327
Step 2
 IQb.122***.017 (.004).356***.449

Note. Betas are for the finals step in the model.
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aTOLD:I-4 mean percentiles.
bRaven progressive matrices mean percentiles.