Research Article

A Slice-Based Change Impact Analysis for Regression Test Case Prioritization of Object-Oriented Programs

Algorithm 1

An example Java program.
(1)  package pkg;
(2)  importjava.util.;
(3)  public class TestShape
(4)   public static void main(String args)
(5)    String str;
(6)    int a, b;
(7)    Scanner sin = new Scanner(;
(8)    System.out.println("Enter the Color: ");
(9)    str =;
(10)   System.out.println("Enter the length and breadth: ");
(11)   a = sin.nextInt();
(12)   b = sin.nextInt();
(13)   Shape s1 = new Rectangle(str, a, b);
(14)   System.out.println(s1);
(15)   System.out.println("Area is " + s1.getArea());
(16)   System.out.println("Enter the Color: ");
(17)   str =;
(18)   System.out.println("Enter the length and breadth: ");
(19)   a = sin.nextInt();
(20)   b = sin.nextInt();
(21)   Shape s2 = new Triangle(str, a, b);
(22)   System.out.println(s2);
(23)   System.out.println("Area is " + s2.getArea());
package pkg;
(24) public class Triangle <T> extends Shape
(25) private T base;
(26) private T height;
(27) public Triangle(String color, T base, T height)
(28)  super(color);
(29)  this.base = base;
(30)  this.height = height;
(31) public String toString()
(32) return "Triangle of base=" + base + " and height=" + height + ", subclass of " + super.toString();
(33) public T getArea()
(34) return 0.5baseheight;
package pkg;
(35) public class Rectangle extends Shape
(36) private int length;
(37) private int width;
(38) public Rectangle(String color, int length, int width)
(39)  super(color);
(40)  this.length = length;
(41)  this.width = width;
(42) public String toString()
(43)  return "Rectangle of length=" + length + " and width=" + width + ", subclass of " + super.toString();
(44) public double getArea()
(45)  return lengthwidth;
  package pkg;
(46) public class Shape
(47) private String color;
(48) public Shape (String color)
(49)  this.color = color;
(50) public String toString()
(51)  return "Shape of color="" + color + """;
(52) public double getArea()
(53)  System.err.println("Shape unknown! Cannot compute area!");
(54)  return 0;