Research Article

Redefining the Mode of HIV Transmission through Analysis of Risk Attribution among the Reported HIV Cases from 1993 to 2021 in Bhutan

Table 2

Risk attribution based on the heterosexual-related risk behavior of the diagnosed HIV cases from 1993 to 2021, Bhutan.

Q. NoHeterosexual risk factors (N = 404)YesRisk attribution
nPercentage (%)

3b.1Ever having heterosexual contact with an HIV-infected person.11428.2HETHIV
3b.2Ever providing sexual services for money, gifts, or any other kind of remuneration.5413.4SW
3b.3Ever having heterosexual contact with a person who injects drugs.41.0HETIDU
3b.4Ever having heterosexual contact with a bisexual male.41.0HETHOM
3b.5Ever having heterosexual contact with a sex worker or client of a sex worker.34986.4HETSW
Total risk count525130

Note. The percentage does not add up to 100 because of overlapping risk factors of the individual cases.