Research Article

Advancing Behavioral HIV Prevention: Adapting an Evidence-Based Intervention for People Living with HIV and Alcohol Use Disorders

Table 3

Overview of adapted intervention sessions.

Session topicObjectives

(1) Healthcare participation(i) Learn to be an active healthcare participant
(ii) Learn the consequences of ART nonadherence and strategies for overcoming barriers to adherence

(2) Reducing the harm of alcohol and drug use(i) Learn standard drink amounts and identify problematic alcohol use
(ii) Understand the harms of alcohol and drug use
(iii) Learn alcohol harm reduction techniques

(3) Harm reduction using latex(i) Identify the harm of unsafe sexual practices
(ii) Learn harm reduction techniques using latex

(4) Negotiating harm reduction with partnersImprove condom negotiation and communication skills using didactic, visual, and role-play demonstrations

(5) Healthy lifestyle choices(i) Learn coping skills and stress management
(ii) Improve knowledge regarding nutritional guidelines and food hygiene