Research Article

Association between Intraoperative Early Warning Score and Mortality and In-Hospital Stay in Lower Gastrointestinal Spontaneous Perforation

Table 1

Baseline characteristics of the patients.

Total (N = 101)Missing

Age (years)a70 [61–77]0
Maleb54 (53.5)0
BMIa21.1 [18.8–23.3]0
ASA 1–2b43 (42.5)0
ASA > 3b58 (57.5)0
Charlson comorbidity indexa2 [1–3]0
Preoperative SOFA scorea2 [1–5]0
Anesthesia time (min)a215 [174–262]0
Operation time (min)a143 [106–192]0
Bleeding (ml)a100 [0–350]0
In-out balance (ml)a2625 [1705–3540]0
Use of catecholamine, intraoperativeb49 (48.5)0
Open surgeryb78 (77.2)0
Laparoscopic surgeryb23 (22.8)0
Cancerb31 (30.7)0
Length of ICU stay (days)a4 [1–9]0
ICU admissionb78 (77.2)0

aContinuous variables, presented as median (interquartile range). bCategorical variables, presented as number (%). BMI, body mass index; ASA, American Society of Anesthesiologists; SOFA, sequential organ failure assessment; ICU, intensive care unit.