Research Article

Neurotoxicity of Inhalation Anesthetics in the Neonatal Rat Brain: Effects on Behavior and Neurodegeneration in the Piriform Cortex

Figure 1

Animal weights on day 1 and day 5 after anesthetic exposure. The indicated treatments were administered in a single dose to PD15 rats for 4 hours (for inhalational agents) or as a single IV bolus (urethane), as indicated in Methods. Data represent mean ± SEM, with the number of animals indicated on the graph. Control animals were treated with air or saline, depending on the delivery route. Symbols indicate day 5 values that differ significantly from the day 1 values for that group (). Only the urethane-treated animals failed to gain weight over the analysis period. Iso: isoflurane; Sevo: sevoflurane; Ureth: urethane.