Advances in Polymer Technology

Polymeric Electrospun Nanofibers and their Biomedical Applications

Publishing date
01 Nov 2019
Submission deadline
05 Jul 2019

1University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

2University of Salerno, Fisciano, Italy

3Northeastern University, Boston, USA

This issue is now closed for submissions.

Polymeric Electrospun Nanofibers and their Biomedical Applications

This issue is now closed for submissions.


Electrospinning is an effective technique to prepare polymeric fibers of the submicron or nanoscale. Different methods can be applied to the fabricated electrospun nanofibers to improve their properties or increase material diversity; additionally a physical modification process can be applied in nanofiber synthesis. Electrospun nanofibers represent a novel class of materials that can be used in several biomedical applications, such as biosensing, regenerative medicine, tissue engineering, drug delivery, and wound healing.

The encapsulation of enzymes in nanofibers can be achieved by direct coelectrospinning of enzymes and other components (organic or inorganic materials). This is an important tool to overcome enzyme instability and nonreusability, allowing for the increased use and application of enzymes in the field of biomedicine.

This special issue intends to attract the most relevant work and recent developments in different biomedical applications of electrospun nanofibers, from state-of-the-art contributions to critical reviews on the topic. These will highlight new advances in this field, with an emphasis on high impact applications such as wound dressing, tissue engineering, enzyme immobilization, and drug delivery.

Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:

  • Biocompatible nanofibers scaffold by electrospinning and their potential for tissue engineering
  • In vivo wound healing using biodegradable polymeric bandages (made of electrospun nanofibers)
  • Design and production of electrospun nanofibers for drug delivery
  • Electrospun polymer composites and nanocomposites for enzyme immobilization
Advances in Polymer Technology
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 Journal metrics
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Acceptance rate20%
Submission to final decision124 days
Acceptance to publication23 days
Journal Citation Indicator0.400
Impact Factor3.1
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