Research Article

Cardiovascular Protective Effect of Garcinia dulcis Flower Acetone Extract in 2-Kidney-1-Clip Hypertensive Rats

Figure 8

Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining of the thoracic aorta in either sham operation (SO, (a, b)) or 2-kidney-1-clip (2K1C, (c, d)) rat, and vascular wall thickness (e) after oral administration of 50 mg/kg BW Garcinia dulcis (GD) flower extract daily for 4 weeks. Tunica media thickening with derangement of elastic lamina (black arrow) and slightly increased tunica media thickness (white arrow) were indicated. Magnification power 400x. Data are expressed as mean ± S.E.M. compared with SO.