Research Article

Are Invasive Procedures and a Longer Hospital Stay Increasing the Risk of Healthcare-Associated Infections among the Admitted Patients at Hiwot Fana Specialized University Hospital, Eastern Ethiopia?

Table 3

Factors associated with HCAIs among the study participates admitted in Hiwot Fana Specialized University Hospital, Harar, Eastern Ethiopia, 2017.

Characteristics of patientsHCAIsCrude OR (95% CI)Adjusted OR (95% CI)
Yes, n (%)No, n(%)

 Male14 (48.3)157 (43.0)1
 Female15 (51.7)208 (57.0)1.24 (0.58–2.64)
Age (in years)
 <1810 (34.5)112 (30.7)1
 >1819 (65.5)253 (69.3)1.40 (0.64–3.06)
Admission ward
 Medical5 (17.2)97 (26.6)11
 Obs/Gyn6 (20.7)97 (26.6)0.83 (0.25–2.82)3.49 (0.80–15.19)
 Pediatric7 (24.1)83 (22.7)0.54 (0.17–1.69)2.04 (0.46–9.01)
 Surgical11 (37.9)88 (24.1)0.45 (0.15–1.38)1.30 (0.18–9.31)
History of smoking cigarettes (n = 272)
 No7 (24.1)212 (83.5)11
 Yes11 (61.1)42 (16.5)7.93 (2.91–21.64)5.18 (2.15–20.47)
History of previous admission
 No21 (72.4)319 (87.4)11
 Yes8 (27.6)46 (12.6)2.64 (1.11–6.31)5.04 (0.72–35.17)
Length of hospital stay (in days)
 <420 (69.0)135 (37.0)11
 >49 (31.0)230 (93.2)3.79 (1.68–8.55)4.29 (2.31–6.15)
Comorbid conditions
 No22 (75.9)326 (89.3)11
 Yes7 (24.1)39 (10.7)2.66 (1.07–6.63)3.33 (0.13–32.93)
Presence of antiseptic for hand rubbing
 Yes10 (34.5)95 (26.0)1
 No19 (65.5)270 (74.0)1.50 (0.67–3.33)
Invasive medical procedures
 No12 (41.4)253 (69.3)11
 Yes17 (58.6)112 (80.2)2.42 (1.13–5.18)3.58 (1.11–7.52)
Mechanical ventilation
 Yes8 (27.6)108 (29.6)1
 No21 (72.4)257 (70.4)0.91 (0.39–2.11)
Presence of hand washing material in wards
 Yes9 (31.0)107 (29.3)1
 No20 (69.0)258 (70.7)1.09 (0.48–2.46)
Presence of medical waste containers in wards
 Yes19 (65.5)223 (61.1)1
 No10 (34.5)142 (38.9)1.21 (0.55–2.68)

OR: odds ratio; CI: confidence interval; Obs/Gyn: obstetrics/gynecology; value ≤ 0.25; value < 0.05.