Research Article

Prevalence and Associated Factors of Insulin Resistance in Adults from Maracaibo City, Venezuela

Figure 2

Prevalence of insulin resistance in the general population by smoking habits and alcohol intake. Maracaibo, Venezuela. 2014. χ2 = Pearson’s Chi-squared test. test for proportions: smoking habits: nonsmokers (HOMA2-IR < 2 versus HOMA2-IR ≥ 2; ); past smokers (HOMA2-IR ≥ 2 versus HOMA2-IR < 2; ). Alcohol intake: present (HOMA2-IR ≥ 2 versus HOMA2-IR < 2; ); absent (HOMA2-IR < 2 versus HOMA2-IR ≥ 2; ).