Research Article

Institutionally Adopted Perioperative Blood Management Program Significantly Decreased the Transfusion Rate of Patients Having Primary Total Hip Replacement Surgery

Table 5

Clinical data and complications between transfused and not transfused patients in 2016. Data are shown as mean (CI 95%) and percentage of the total.

Transfusion (n = 85)Transfusion+ (n = 22)

Age (years)6873ns
ASA III (%)2050 < 0.05
Length of surgery (min)98 (93–103)104 (84–119)ns
Cemented THR (%)7284ns
Indication: hip fracture (%)1427ns
Preoperative Hgb level (g/l)143 (140–146)126 (129–133) < 0.05
Tranexamic acid i.v. (%)9164 < 0.05
Neuraxial anesthesia (%)8677ns
Postoperative hypotension/24 hours (%)740 < 0.05
Postoperative oligoanuria/24 hours (%)523 < 0.05
Infection rate (%)/<3 months29 < 0.001

Surgical and systemic infections.