Research Article

Anemia Prevalence after Iron Supplementation among Pregnant Women in Midwifes Practice of Primary Health Care Facilities in Eastern Indonesia

Table 3

Relationship between compliance, iron content, and Shine and Lal index with anemia among the study participants.

Hb concentration value
<10.5 g/dL>10.5 g/dL

 Q6: Forgetfulness to take the iron pills
  Some time25380.147
 Q8: Pill intake in %
 Q9: Difficulty in taking the pills
 Q10: Stop in taking the pills when feel good
Fe content
 ∼75% (PHC 2and3)34610.247
 100% (PHC1)16
Shine and Lal index

Note. Anemia in pregnancy was defined as Hb concentration <10.5 g/dL. n.d. not determined; PHC, primary health care. Statistically significance was set when . Descriptively presented, aShine and Lal index ≥1530 in anemia indicated iron deficiency anemia (IDA); bShine and Lal index <1530 in anemia indicated β-thalassemia carrier (β-TT); cShine and Lal index < 1530 in nonanemic individual required further examination to exclude β-thalassemia carrier or other hemoglobinopathies.