Research Article

Study on the Precursor Signal Capturing of Unfavorable Weather: Months/Years in Advance to Ultra-Early Forecast for Hourly Transient Weather Changes during the Beijing Winter Olympics

Figure 6

(a) Hourly distributions of PM2.5 and atmospheric supersaturation (S) in 16–20 July 2018; (b) geo-potential heights (white line: gm) and saturated condensation flux (ξp) at 500 hPa of isobaric surfaces in the pollution process in 19–22 July 2018, (c) the same as (b) but for 700 hPa, (d) the early period of 2008 Beijing Summer Olympic Games in 24–27 July 2008 for 500 hPa, (e) the same as (d), but for 700 hPa; Scales of arrows are 0.005, 0.01, 0.06 and 0.09 × 10−3,respectively.