Review Article

Special Considerations for Management of Diabetes in Adult Patients with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Table 2

Special considerations for providers managing adults with IDDs.

Annual health checks(i) Encourage people with IDDs to have at least an annual health check to identify a wide range of previously unidentified conditions including diabetes mellitus

Tests(i) Use “easy read” information which explains tests being done and how those results will affect care
(ii) Many people with IDDs are fearful of needles and may need extra support and special adjustments to ensure tests take place
(iii) Make sure the outcomes of any tests are communicated to the person in language that they understand

Diagnosis(i) Spend extra time with the patient in case they need assistance to understand what diabetes is and the next steps in management
(ii) Explain treatment plan and encourage patient participation

Weight management(i) Discuss options for a healthy diet and increased exercise if possible
(ii) Provide easy-read information on weight management
(iii) Find local weight management services suitable for people with IDDs

Social determinants of health(i) Discuss with the patient or patient’s family about potential barriers to access to healthcare such as transportation, cost, and support level
(ii) Identify reasonable and achievable goals