Research Article

The Prevalence of Uncontrolled Hypertension among Patients Taking Antihypertensive Medications and the Associated Risk Factors in North Palestine: A Cross-Sectional Study

Table 3

Relationship of socio-demographic variables with HTN control applying the Chi-square test.

VariablesCategoryHypertensionX2P value

Age (years)Less than 6085 (63%)50 (37%)0.0500.886
60 and more51 (61.4%)32 (38.6%)

GenderMale58 (66.7%)29 (33.3%)1.1310.180
Female78 (59.5%)53 (40.5%)

EducationPrimary school and less93 (67.9%)44 (32.1%)4.7490.021
Secondary school and college43 (53.1%)38 (46.9%)

Marital statusMarried56 (70.9%)23 (29.1%)1.7410.210
Nonmarried66 (61.9%)41 (38.3%)

P value of 0.05 or less was considered statistically significant. Nonmarried (single, divorced, or widowed).