Advances in Multimedia

Augmented Reality Enhanced Learning Environments for Digital Society

Publishing date
01 Jun 2023
Submission deadline
10 Feb 2023

Lead Editor

1Multimedia University, Cyberjaya, Malaysia

2Fundación Universitaria Konrad Lorenz, Bogotá, Colombia

3Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai, Thailand

Augmented Reality Enhanced Learning Environments for Digital Society


In the digital world, augmented reality technology is recognized as one of the leading innovations in recent years. Augmented reality (AR) provides digital information in the real-world environment that comprises sounds, videos, and graphics with the aid of cameras, sensors, processing, projection, and reflection. Advances in augmented reality transform the way individuals interact with mobile applications and improve visual graphic experiences. We are in a society where the increased adoption of smartphones and tablet computers has attracted the attention of research and development for applications on different platforms, and the education system is not an exception. As conferences, education, events, and others are demanding new technological applications for gaining enhanced learning experiences, AR approaches can better improve their performance of it. AR with multimedia applications can lead to huge developments in real-time with its optimized techniques, in education and eLearning, promoting a highly interactive learning environment to the next stage by means of rendering the augmented object on the screens and 3D visuals which supports educators and students with new opportunities for teaching and learning to attain in-depth understanding. For instance, in medical education and training AR applications play a key role ranging from teaching challenging subjects to medical students, specialists' training, treatment, and management. Thus, the digital era has reformed the education system with leading trends for shaping the future and delivering in a user-friendly manner. Enhanced learning environments based on digital technology are an essential tool that revolutionized education beyond recognition including education apps for teachers and students, e-learning services, and new software. Education in association with technology is a game-changer for implementing ground-breaking success in the modern education system and completing learning experiences with evolving AR/VR which aids the enhanced learning process.

Despite technological innovations, there are challenges such as user experience (educators and students), high computational resources, latency, security, privacy issues, and costs, that remain unresolved in the enhanced learning environment. Concerning augmented reality, researchers should focus on securing the future of education. Advances in multimedia with the potential of enhancing the applications of augmented reality with an interactive learning environment and evolving artificial intelligence (AI) allow the education industries to create smart, secure, and efficient environments. Thus, the role of technology is vital in augmenting the learning environment through redesigning to implement more flexibility and improving interaction, engagement, and understanding.

This Special Issue welcomes original research and review articles focused on AR-enabled enhanced learning environments with the evolving applications of multimedia, AI, and integration of other innovative technologies for transforming a better digital society.

Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:

  • Innovative algorithms and approaches for AR-based enhanced learning environments and future applications
  • Recent trends of multimedia technology in human-computer interaction for enhancing the AR learning environment
  • Evolving AR and computer vision (CV) impacts on the teaching and learning process
  • Evolving applications of wireless technology (eg., 5G, 6G) in AR/VR for enhancing the learning environment
  • Novel strategies in augmented reality to enhance cognitive engagements for students learning
  • AI in augmented reality with visualization techniques and models(3D/4D) for enhanced medical education
  • Performance analysis of AR-enabled learning environments for improving teaching/learning experience
  • AR/VR based simulations tools and applications in real-time for enhancing learning
  • Evolving barriers and management challenges of augmented reality in the digital learning environment
  • Intelligent augmented reality and frameworks for security and privacy analytics in the enhanced learning environment
Advances in Multimedia
 Journal metrics
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Acceptance rate5%
Submission to final decision137 days
Acceptance to publication32 days
Journal Citation Indicator0.220
Impact Factor1.4
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