Research Article

Diabetes Mellitus Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning Classifiers with Oversampling and Feature Augmentation

Algorithm 2

Feature selection based on ICA.
Invalue: n-dimensional data (original), X1 ϵ R1n1
Outvalue: k-dimensional data (reduced), Y1 ϵ R1k1
(1)The non-quadratic function is set and considered as nonlinear function and G1 is assumed as negentropy.
(2)Given W1 of W1 × H1 = X1, where W1, H1, and X1, during mixing, are the source ratios
Consisting of multiple components, where the output is mixed separately.
(3)Obtain PCA on X1 by X1 = PCA(X1)
(4)while W changes do
(5)W1 = mean (X1 × G1(W1 · X1)) – mean (G0 (W1T1 · X1)),
(6)W1 = orthogonalize (W1)
(7)Execute Y1 = W1 · X1, where Y1 ϵ R1k1.