Research Article

Olericulture No-Till System at Mountain Region: Physical and Biological Attributes of the Soil

Table 1

Characterization of studied areas on rural properties of family farmers in Santa Maria de Jetibá, ES.

Studied areasManagement of soilCropSoilAltitudeCoordinates 24K

 Group 1
  ForestNoNoTypic Humaquepts961 m0304091/7774616
  CTConventional tillageChayoteTypic Dystrustepts646 m0323977/7784827
  3 NTS3 years no tillageChayoteTypic Dystrustepts905 m0303273/7775546
 Group 2
  ForestNoNoTypic Haplustox1057 m0301241/7771950
  CTConventional tillageVegetablesTypic Haplustox1021 m0300788/7772042
  5 NTS5 years no tillageVegetablesTypic Haplustox981 m0300928/7772244
 Group 3
  ForestNoNoTypic Haplustox850 m0314463/7775975
  CTConventional tillageVegetablesTypic Haplustox850 m0314169/7776247
  9 NTS9 years no tillageVegetablesTypic Haplustox839 m0314422/7775996

Soil taxonomy, USDA classification. Vegetables: chayote, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, onions, peppers, zucchini, corn, and beans. Conventional tillage (CT); no tillage (NTS).