Research Article

Quantifying the Effect of Soil Ameliorants on Soil Crusting by Means of Field Experiments in a Wildlife Protected Area, South Africa

Table 3

Dinokeng grass seed mixture (ALUT).

No.Species nameCommon nameVariety namePlant succession

1Cenchrus ciliarisBlue buffalo grassGayandaClimax
2Chloris gayanaRhodes grassKatamboraSub-climax
3Digitaria eriantha (tufted)Smuts finger grassIreneClimax
4Digitaria eriantha (stolons)Creeping finger grassMixtureSub-climax
5Eustachys paspaloidesBrown rhodes grassTierhoekClimax
6Panicum coloratumSmall buffalo grassVerdeClimax
7Panicum maximumWhite buffalo grassGattonSub-climax to climax
8Setaria sphacelata sericeaGolden bristle grassPhindaClimax
9Sporobolus fimbriatusDropseed grassTugelaClimax
10Urochloa mosambicensisBushveld signal grassSabieSub-climax
11Urochloa oligotrichaPerennial signal grassMixtureClimax
12Urochloa panicoidesGarden signal grassMixturePioneer
13Eragrostis tefTeff grassSA brownPioneer