Research Article

Biodegradation of Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE) Bags by Fungi Isolated from Waste Disposal Soil

Table 1

Microscopic and macroscopic identification of the fungal isolates from waste disposal sites.

Sr. no.Code no.Growth mediaGrowth morphologyFungiHyphaeSporesSporangium

1BS001Sabouraud dextrose agarDark greenish color with white edgeAspergillus nigerSeptateRound sporesClear sporangium
2BS002Sabouraud dextrose agarLight greenish yellow color with white edgeAspergillus flavusSeptateClear round sporesClear sporangium
3BS003Potato dextrose agarFull white color with full white edgeWhite rot fungiSeptate having holes in hyphaeNo sporesNo sporangium
4BS004Potato dextrose agarLight brown color with white edgeBrown rot fungiSeptate having holes in hyphaeNo sporesNo sporangium
5BS005Potato dextrose agarGreen with blackish shades with white edgePenicillliumSeptate hyphaeRound sporesClear sporangium