Research Article

Soil Moisture Response to Short-Term Inorganic Fertilization on Tef (Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter) Crop Varieties in Northern Ethiopia

Table 8

Paired mean difference comparison and correlation analyses results of soil moisture content response to the average of all fertilizer rates and tef varieties combined effects at the same sampling time between 2012 and 2013 in northern Ethiopia ().

Paired moisture contentPaired mean comparisonCorrelation
Mean differencedfSignificancerSignificance

SM0_2012 and SM0_20131.278350.0400.2460.147ns
SM33_2012 and SM33_20132.972350.0000.8270.000
SM49_2012 and SM49_20132.278350.0000.9320.000
SM64_2012 and SM64_20132.639350.0000.9210.000
SM84_2012 and SM84_20132.639350.0000.9090.000
SM120_2012 asnd SM120_20131.306350.0000.9680.000
#Mean_2012 and Mean_20132.222350.0010.9040.000

Significant at the 0.01 probability level (P); significant at ; ns, nonsignificant at ; r, correlation; SM_2012 and 2013, soil moisture determined at 0, 33, 49, 64, 84, and 120 days after sowing time (DAS) in 2012 and 2013 cropping seasons, respectively. #Overall mean of all sampling dates and the treatment interaction effects on each crop seasons.