Research Article

The Increasing Level of DKK-1 as a New Bone Formation Factor in Patients with Early Spondyloarthritis

Table 1

Patients’ characteristics.

CharacteristicsValue (n (%)/mean ± SD/median (95% CI))

Sex (male: female)15 (48.4) : 16 (51.6)
Age (years)34.71 ± 8.59
BMI22.48 ± 4.52
 Underweight7 (22.58)
 Normal12 (38.71)
 Overweight3 (9.68)
 Obese9 (29.03)
Disease duration (years)5.97 ± 3.47
 Early (≤5 years)14 (45.16)
 Established (>5 years)17 (54.84)
 Axial9 (29)
 Axial and peripheral22 (71)
ESR (mm/hour)29 (20–61)
CRP (mg/L)12.87 (2.4–14)
ASDAS-ESR2.85 ± 1.12
ASDAS-CRP2.43 ± 1.09
Serum DKK-1 level (pg/dL)6265 ± 1863
 DMARD16 (51.61)
 Non-DMARD15 (48.39)

SD: standard deviation, CI: confidence interval, BMI: body mass index, ESR: erythrocyte sedimentation rate, CRP: C-reactive protein, ASDAS: ankylosing spondylitis disease activity score, mSASSS: modified stoke ankylosing spondylitis spinal score, DKK-1: dickkopf-related protein 1, and DMARD: disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs.