Research Article

Autoimmune Mechanisms of Interferon Hypersensitivity and Neurodegenerative Diseases: Down Syndrome

Figure 3

Localization of Ch21 ISRE and GAS consensus sequences in PCBP3. Graphical representation of the results of a GenBank analysis of Ch21 identifying PCBP3 as a gene containing at least two interferon-stimulated response element (ISRE) consensus sequences and at least one interferon-gamma activation (GAS) sequence. All the ISRE/GAS sites outside the gene were found very close upstream of the gene, the most likely loci for gene control sites. The table above the graph shows that specific ISRE or GAS sequences found in the regulatory regions of other known genes are also present in PCBP3. Column 1 presents the name of the gene and reference sequence found. Column 2 shows the detected contiguous sequence in bold font while the mismatched bases are depicted in italics font. Column 3 gives the position of the detected sequence in the gene. The first number in the total range represents the transcription start site. All the genes that our analysis predicts to be IFN-controlled are on chromosome 21 based on the experimental design. Red dots represent ISRE sequences. Black dots represent GAS sequences.