Research Article

Therapeutic Plasma Exchange as Management of Complicated Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Other Autoimmune Diseases

Table 4

TPE indications and outcomes.

TPE indication/Outcome Improvement, N. patients (%)Unchanged, N. patients (%)Worsening, N. patients (%)TotalDeath, N. patients (%)Dialysis

DAH11 (55)2 (10)7 (35)207 (35)3 (15)
Neuropsychiatric SLE7 (78)1 (11)1 (11)91 (11)1 (11)
RPGN5 (71)2 (29)0703 (60)
CAPS4 (80)01 (20)51 (20)0
Thrombotic microangiopathy2 (40)1 (20)2 (40)52 (40)1 (20)
Lupus Nephritis2 (50)2 (50)0402 (50)
Lupus severe skin involvement3 (100)00300
Inflammatory myopathies1 (33)1 (33)1 (33)31 (33)0
Optic Neuromyelitis1 (100)00100
Severe scleroderma01 (100)0100
Evans Syndrome01 (100)0100
Insulin resistance type B1 (100)00100
Legs vasculitis1 (100)00100
CNS Vasculitis1 (100)00100
Gastrointestinal lupus01 (100)0100
Autoimmune meningoencephalitis1 (100)00100
Severe SLE1 (100)00100
Acute allograft rejection01 (100)0101 (100)

TPE: therapeutic plasma exchange; DAH: diffuse alveolar hemorrhage; SLE: systemic lupus erythematosus; RPGN: rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis CAPS: catastrophic antiphospholipid syndrome; CNS: central nervous system.