Clinical Study

Herpes Zoster Infections in SLE in a University Hospital in Saudi Arabia: Risk Factors and Outcomes

Table 2

SLE treatment at the time of Zoster infection in relation to SLE activity.

SLE treatmentActive SLE ( ) (%)SLE in remission ( ) (%) value

MPSL 3 (88.9) 8 (34.7)
Cyclo IV 7 (77.8) 7 (30.4)
AZA 6 (66.7) 8 (34.8)
MMF 6 (66.7) 0 (0.0)

significant ( ), Cylo IV: intravenous cyclophosphamide, MPSL:methyl prednisolone, AZA: azathioprine, MMF: mycophenolate, mofetil Oral PSL: (Oral prednisolone).
(All patients (100%) received oral prednisolone. The mean dose in active SLE cases was  mg and in patients with SLE in remission was  mg).