Research Article

Nonnegative Matrix Factorizations Performing Object Detection and Localization

Algorithm 1

The Lee and Seung multiplicative update rules (NMF).
Initialize nonnegative matrices π‘Š ( 0 ) and 𝐻 ( 0 )
While  Stopping criteria are not satisfied do
  π‘Š ← π‘Š βŠ™ ( 𝑉 𝐻 ⊀ ) ⊘ ( π‘Š 𝐻 𝐻 ⊀ )
  𝐻 ← 𝐻 βŠ™ ( π‘Š ⊀ 𝑉 ) ⊘ ( π‘Š ⊀ π‘Š 𝐻 )
end while
{ βŠ™ and ⊘ denotes the Hadamard product, that is the element-wise matrix
multiplication and the element-wise division, respectively}