Research Article

Selection and Configuration of Sorption Isotherm Models in Soils Using Artificial Bees Guided by the Particle Swarm

Pseudocode 1

Pseudocode of the proposed algorithm.
Set Iteration = 0;
Initialize food sources (equation (10));
WHILE (the termination conditions are not met)
    % Employed Bee phase
    Evaluate nectar amount (fitness) of food sources (equation (5));
    FOR (each employed bee)
     Produce a new food source using (15);
     Evaluate the fitness of the new food source (equation (5));
     Greedy selection to choose best food source;
    Compute probability for each food source (equation (14));
    % Onlooker Bee’s phase
    FOR (each onlooker bee)
     Send each onlooker bees to food sources based on ;
     Produce a new food source using (13);
    Evaluate the fitness of the new food source (equation (5));
    Greedy selection to choose best food source;
    % Scout Bee’s phase
    IF (any employed bee becomes scout bee)
         Send scout bee to a new food source based on OBL (equation (16));
    Memorize the best solution achieved so far;
    Iteration = Iteration + 1;