Research Article

Automatic Representation and Segmentation of Video Sequences via a Novel Framework Based on the D-EVM and Kohonen Networks

Algorithm 3

Computing the D content enclosed by a given D-EVM .
Input: A D-EVM and the number of dimensions .
Output: The content of the D space enclosed by .
(1)Procedure  Content  (D-EVM , )
(2)     contSum  0;
     / Objects initialization /
(3)     EVM couplet  1, couplet  2;
(4)     EVM section;
(5)     if    then
(6)     return Length ();
(7)     couplet  1 InitEVM ();
(8)     couplet  2 InitEVM ();
(9)     section InitEVM ();
(10)     couplet  1    readCouplet ();
(11)     while  !endEVM ()  do
(12)       couplet  2 readCouplet ();
(13)       section getSection (section, couplet  1);
(14)       contSumcontSum + Content () dist (couplet  1, couplet  2);
(15)       couplet  1couplet  2;
(16)     return  contSum