Research Article

Chemical and Photometric Evolution Models for Disk, Irregular, and Low Mass Galaxies

Figure 4

The efficiency to form stars from molecular gas, , in logarithmic scale, as a function of redshift for our grid of models. The evolution with redshift for all radial regions and galaxies is shown by the shaded zone, while solid black points represent the grid results for . (a) Solid black, red, yellow, magenta, blue, green, and cyan lines, correspond to radial regions located at 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 kpc of the Galactic center in the MWG model. In (b) solid black, cyan, blue, red, green, orange, and magenta lines correspond to galaxies of different dynamical masses and efficiencies (see Table 1). In (a) and (b) observations at intermediate-high redshift from Daddi et al. [99] and Genzel et al. [100] are shown as cyan dots and blue triangles, respectively, while the green squares refers to the local Universe data obtained by Leroy et al. [101]. The red star marks the average given by Sancisi et al. [79].