Research Article

The Effect of Tidal Stripping on Composite Stellar Populations in Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies

Figure 5

(a)–(d) Line-of-sight velocity dispersions for both luminous components as a function of the (projected) distance from the center of the satellite. Solid red and dashed blue curves correspond to the concentrated ( ) and the more extended ( ) components, respectively. The error bars indicate the rms dispersion on the profiles of 100 random samples containing 500 particles each (see text for details). For reference, the dotted lines show the initial configuration of the model satellite. Black arrows indicate the positions of the core and tidal radii in each experiment. (e), (f) Velocity dispersion profiles for Sculptor and Carina dwarfs (squares with error bars). Data was taken from Battaglia et al., koch et al., and Helmi et al. [11, 36, 37]. The total (no distinction between components) profiles for our models in the 10 different projections are also shown in magenta, black, red and blue lines for Orb1–Orb4, respectively.